The ANZSNR would like to invite submission of abstracts from RANZCR Registrars, INR/DNR Fellows, medical students, JMO’s & non- accredited Registrars on original work, in Neuroradiology for consideration as an oral presentation at the ANZSNR ASM.
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Oral Abstract presentation receives the following prize:
Return economy airfare and registration for the 2026 ANZSNR ASM.
ANZSNR Members with accepted abstracts who present at the ASM will receive free full registration or equivalent in monetary value as an airfare subsidy for airfare.
In addition, all successful abstracts will be published in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (JMIRO)
Submission of abstracts can be made directly using the form below and are due for submission by 5th January 2025.
Only shortlisted abstracts will be invited for presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting and will be expected to attend in person. Applicants are expected to be informed of the acceptance results by 31st January 2025.
To apply, please ensure that you carefully read the below terms and conditions. Should you have any questions, please contact the secretariat at secretariat@anzsnr.org.au
Abstracts will be reviewed by the organising committee and results will be sent to the author no later than 31st January 2025.
Once you are notified that your abstract is accepted, you need to register to confirm your attendance. Discounted registration is offered to presenters.​
Author Name(s)
1. If an author's name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.
2. The submitting author is designated as the presenting author. You may rearrange the order of the authors; however, the senior author must always be listed last. The presenter must be an author of the abstract.
Abstract Data/Criteria
1. The work covered by the abstract must not have been published (manuscript or abstract) prior to the time of abstract submission. Abstracts associated with a manuscript published between the time of submission and time of presentation may still be presented at ANZSNR 2025 but will not be included in the JMIRO abstract publication. Authors must contact ANZSNR staff to be removed from the abstract publication prior to the event.
2. Abstract data may not be presented at any national or international meeting held prior to the date and time of presentation or time of the ANZSNR event.
3. Authors should not "split" data to create several abstracts from one. If splitting is judged to have occurred, priority scores of related abstracts will be reduced.
4. Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution and/or individuals will be disqualified.
Abstract Withdrawal
1. Requests for withdrawal of an abstract must be received in writing no later than 27th February 2025.
Abstract Title
1. An abstract must have a short, specific title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the investigation.
Abstract Text
1. Describe briefly the objectives of the study unless they are contained in the title. Include a brief statement of methods if pertinent. State findings in detail sufficient to support conclusions.
2. Abstracts may have the following identifiable sections, but they are not mandatory: Introduction, Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Conclusions. You may include a hypothesis, but only if it is appropriate to do so.
3. You must include a methodology section in your abstract submission.
4. Use generic drug names.
5. Do not begin sentences with numerals.
6. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Nonstandard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
7. Do not include references, credits or grant support.
8. Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
9. Abstracts are limited to 1,950 characters (about 380 words.) This includes title, text and any graphic.
Abstract Revisions
1. After the 27th February 2025 deadline, abstracts may not be revised in any way or resubmitted.
2. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after 27th February 2025.
3. Proof read abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission.